"Chanting brings more peace and clarity to my life" - Lisa's Experience

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“I have been practicing Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism for over fifteen years at Myohoji Temple in Los Angeles. This Buddhism has enriched every aspect of my life. Chanting brings more peace and clarity to my life and is an enormously effective way to deal with stress.

Since we cannot avoid stress in our world, having the ability to alleviate stress, through chanting is extraordinary. This has helped me in a very real and practical way. I feel the most powerful aspect of chanting for me, is that it transcends the rational. When we chant, we are fusing our life with the enlightened life of the Buddha.

My life has grown spiritually since I began chanting and continues to grow. I will never stop appreciating that. I encourage people who are drawn to this Buddhism, to experience it and notice how they feel before and after. The difference is undeniable and learning about this Buddhism is incredibly rewarding. The profound benefits are immeasurable.”

- Lisa K. Crosato

Actress/Producer/Business Owner

Myohoji Temple