These resources can answer common questions about Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism.
You can click on each question to open up a resource sheet that answers each question.
What is Karma?
Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action. It refers to internal causes residing in the depths of life that manifest themselves as conspicuous effects when external causes or conditions are encountered. All people possess both positive and negative karma. The practice of true Buddhism implants tremendous good karma (fortune) in one’s life, and lessens one’s retribution for negative karma from causes made in this and previous lifetimes.
If we believe in the true Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin and chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, we can observe our lives, change our karma, and build a strong life force that will enable us to overcome any difficulty and establish a truly happy life.
What is the practice of True Buddhism?
What is the Benefit of Buddhist Practice?
What kind of Buddhist altar do we have in our homes?
What is the Dai-Gohonzon?
The Dai-Gohonzon is the fundamental object of worship in Nichiren Shoshu. It was inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin on October 12, 1279. It was the purpose of his advent into this world as the True Buddha. All Gohonzons of Nichiren Shoshu are derived from the Dai-Gohonzon of the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teachings.
What are the Three Great Secret Laws?
Does Nichiren Shoshu teach silent meditation?
Does Buddhism teach the existence of a supreme being or God?