The Steps To Become A Buddhist



If you live in Los Angeles or in the surrounding area, you are always welcome to visit the temple. If you live far from a temple, please contact Myohoji Temple at (323) 656-2888 and someone can put you in contact with practicing members in your area to learn more and experience this Buddhist practice.

The Temple is located at 1401 N Crescent Heights Blvd. in West Hollywood.

There is a free parking lot in the back of the Temple.

The Introductory Meetings are held at 7pm on the third Thursday of every month, except December.


Once you visit the Temple and learn more about the practice, there are several steps to becoming a Member and learning to practice Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism.



“Gojukai” literally means the ceremony “to receive the precept.”

In Nichiren Shoshu, those determined to start their faith and practice of true Buddhism receive this ceremony from a Nichiren Shoshu priest.

The Gojukai Ceremony is traditionally performed at a Nichiren Shoshu Temple. However, in areas where there is no temple, consult a priest at your local temple so he may advise you if any special arrangements can be made.

The ceremony begins with the recitation of the Lotus Sutra, which is followed by the continuous chanting of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (Daimoku) and concluded by observing the silent prayers. After the silent prayers, the priest faces the audience and the “oath of acceptance” begins. The people who are to receive Gojukai stand before the priest at this time.

The priest then recites the “oath of acceptance,” which consists of three questions:

1. Do you faithfully swear to practice the true teaching of Nichiren Daishonin throughout your life?

2. Do you faithfully swear to protect the Gohonzon of the Three Great Secret Laws throughout your life?

3. Do you faithfully swear to keep the precept of Nichiren Shoshu throughout your life?

Those who are receiving Gojukai, and all other members attending the ceremony, should answer, “I do,” and chant Daimoku (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) three times after each question of the “oath of acceptance.” By answering “I do,” the people receiving Gojukai show their determination to the Gohonzon. For the other members present, it serves as encouragement to practice together with the new members and to strive for worldwide propagation in the spirit of unity.

The priest and all believers begin chanting Daimoku as soon as the “oath of acceptance” is administered. During Daimoku, the priest touches each new member on the head with a Joju Gohonzon. The format of the ceremony is derived from the Lotus Sutra. In the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha touched his disciples’ heads to indicate their future enlightenment. Placing the Gohonzon, which is the life of the True Buddha, on the head of each Gojukai recipient establishes an eternal bond with the True Buddha and the true Law, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, and guarantees each new member’s future enlightenment through continued practice to the Gohonzon.



Members learn to recite the sutra as a part of their daily practice.

Sutra books are available from the Temple and your sponsor may also have some available to use if you are not close to the temple.

Morning and evening, members perform Gongyo, the recitation of a portion of the 2nd and the entire 16th chapter of the Lotus Sutra along with silent prayers.

The sutra can take time to learn. Below you can find a video that will walk you through a slow version of the sutra being read that you can read along with the sutra book as you learn.



Practicing members have home altars for their daily practice. The altar must be set up according to tradition to respect the Gohonzhon. The Gohonzon is the very life of the True Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin and there are very specific ways to set up a home altar so that you can enshrine a Gohonzhon in your home for your daily practice. Your sponsor can help you to set up your altar to prepare to receive your Gohonzon.



After receiving the precept (Gojukai) and learning to recite the sutra, understanding the basics of correct practice and setting up a home altar, you may apply to receive a gohonzon. At the end of the Gono ceremony, during the Fifth Prayer, the priest will announce that members can come up to the altar who are receiving the gohonzon. The priest hands the Gohonzon individually to each person receiving it. It should also be understood that the Gohonzon is never owned by the believer.

Nichiren Shoshu loans the Gohonzon to believers for their practice of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.

The Gohonzon should be received from the priest in an open sutra book and/or scarf (fukusa). The Gohonzon is the very life of the True Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin. Hence, it should be treated with the utmost respect and sincerity. It should not be unwrapped until it is enshrined at home by the priest, or your sponsor.